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comment by steve
steve  ·  1260 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: November 25, 2020

bwahahaha.... you KNOW that's not what I meant...

thenewgreen  ·  1260 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I know. And the last thing any c level person needs is a tax break. -not being sarcastic. But, they’re not all schmucks. I have a brother in law that is a C level leader and he goes in to this office not because he has to but for solidarity. If we still had offices, and I was requiring my team to go to them, I’d be first in and last out. Just because there is a “C” before the name doesn’t make them a schmuck. Many hospital CEO’s are physicians that practiced for years. Are some schmucks? Sure. But some nurses are too.

I know that complaining about C suite vilification will earn me the smallest sympathy violin playing in history, but they’re not all bad. Many, like a noble captain of a ship, would be the last to go down while the crew flees safely ashore.

But... some are definitely douche bags.

Edit: to be very clear, nurses and physicians and janitors at hospitals should all be heralded and financially rewarded. 100%