Thanks for the post!
I watched the whole thing and he did a great job. John Denver follows him and also does a great job. -Two very different artists, pretty cool. I remember this time in history well. It was a really big deal. Sheena Easton??
I remember this the first time around as well, but it's nice to revisit it with a better contextual understanding. This is some scary reactionist stuff. And to think that just a few years later the world would be introduced to gangster rap. We all had to hide that kind of music from our parents. In a way, these new artistic genres were culturally inevitable I feel, but it's still weird that we've lived through it.
Art is sort of like water being poured on to the floor, eventually it will fill every inch if given enough time. It is inevitable that music pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable. It will happen again. Elvis' hips, the beatles hair, Madonna's sex, NWA's misogyny... it will continue to push boundaries and there will always be a Tipper Gore there to police. Fuck her and her ilk.