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comment by mk
mk  ·  1505 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses

    His argument, which has slowly worn me down, is that there's ample evidence that the chinese have been fucking around with SARS on the reg because Chinese researchers are just sorta fundamentally reckless.

To be clear, there's ample evidence that the international scientific community have been mutating these viruses, and playing with the products for the last decade. However, scientists in China have been doing so under conditions that make a leak more likely.

b_b  ·  1505 days ago  ·  link  ·  

There's a probability problem here that I think confounds a lot of people. That is that given enough time, an unlikely event becomes inevitable. So the question is obviously what's the likelihood of something going wrong in a given year? For even a well-run BSL-4 lab, that's a hotly debated question, and estimates vary by orders of magnitude.

If, say, the probability of a leak occurring is 1/1000, then the chance of a leak occurring in 10 years (assuming equal weights, when in reality the chance probably goes up as equipment ages), is simply 1 - (1 - 1/1000)^10 = 0.01. One percent isn't great, but maybe it's tolerable depending how bad the agent is. But if the odds are 1/100, then the chance of a leak in 10 years is 9.6%, which is really bad.

Now let's suppose the lab isn't being operated at maximum safety, and the odds shift from 99.9% safe to 95% safe. In that case, in 10 years there's a 40% chance of a leak. Basically, we're fucked type of territory. These calculations require 3rd grade math once you know the a priori odds, which are probably unknowable, and therefore should be assumed to be a lot likelier than you think.

I don't know that most people think in those terms, but they should. In the linked article, they're contemplating what would happen if hoof and mouth disease got out and the livestock industry was fucked. Here, we're talking about causing Great Depression II. I just can't believe anyone would be that fucking consciousless.

kleinbl00  ·  1505 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You are now aware that USAMRIID managed to leak a bunch of anthrax into the water table of Frederick, Maryland.

    The problems date back to May 2018, when storms flooded and ruined a decades-old steam sterilization plant that the institute had been using to treat wastewater from its labs, Ms. Vander Linden said. The damage halted research for months, until the institute developed a new decontamination system using chemicals.
b_b  ·  1505 days ago  ·  link  ·  

And these are the same dumb fucks who tell you every time they build another BSL-4 lab that the risk of a leak is negligible. There's a BSL-4 lab in downtown fucking Boston that I'm sure the citizens of that city are happy they don't know exists. I'm all for scientific exploration, but we need an ethical guide or else what't the point.

kleinbl00  ·  1505 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Artificial contamination of Gruinard Island off the northwest coast of Scotland occurred in 1942–1943 as a result of tests of a biological warfare bomb containing live anthrax spores. Even by 1979 spores could still be detected in a 3-hectare area of the island. In the 1980s the area was decontaminated by burning the vegetation and spraying with 5% formaldehyde in seawater. By 1987, the ground was declared anthrax-free and, after reseeding, sheep were able to graze safely.


Wanna get rid of anthrax? You literally need to blowtorch the top six inches of topsoil and then soak it with 280 metric tons of formaldehyde.