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comment by Quatrarius
Quatrarius  ·  1543 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: February 12, 2020

i was gonna write a lil thing about how i've been vibing a lot easier lately but i questioned the term - where did vibing come from? mr. google says there's been a sharp increase in vibing lately, which matches my own suspicions - it snuck into my vocab very easily, and it's such a good word too - it's a good state of mind to be in

i know i've been happier lately because i can finally be just vibing. coming out of somewhere mentally dark is like getting high on your own supply - i don't need special events to be productive or happy, sometimes it just happens all on its own

stay vibing everybody :)


thenewgreen  ·  1543 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Vibe on, my friend!