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comment by goobster

DUDE. I've got a Ford F350, lifted, that I see almost every morning on the way to work. He lives about 3 blocks away from me, and apparently we have similar schedules.

As he passes me in my electric car every day, he's doing 50 MPH on the 35 MPH two-lane road through our part of town, and I get to read his 6-inch tall black letters on his tailgate: MPG? LOL!

As Jane's Addiction said, "Some people should die / that's just uncommon knowledge..."

I'm so tired of living in a culture where being an asshole is an admirable trait.

steve  ·  1838 days ago  ·  link  ·  

it's not like you and I are being preachy - we just want to make wise decisions that benefit our mental/spiritual wellbeing, and our neighborhood, community, AND the planet...


it's like there's an asshole vacuum that needs to be filled.

goobster  ·  1838 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Absolutely! And I have no need to force him to drive a different vehicle, even. (This is NOT a work truck... it is purely a Compensator.)

Drive your asshole vehicle. Fine. I can't make you buy something different.

But actively projecting your assholeitude on others with the "MPG? LOL" thing, is something every mother should be embarrassed about.