New user here. (really TNG). I would have no clue what to do if I was new. I'd be trying to find a way to post content, but that doesn't exist for newbies. With the new "math problem" when signing up, do we need to limit a newbies ability to make a post? mk?
I demand you retire thenewgreen and make this alt your main account. The user name, juvenile as it is, is too freaking funny to go to waste.
Yeah we were getting like one spam account per minute at one point, and our email was blacklisted. It was grim, and the Google captcha doesn’t help much. I can now add an email verification step and see if that helps. Maybe I can lift the posting restriction, or at least explain how to get the ability to post. I kinda like the math problem though. It didn’t work long until I made it date dependent.
I dig the math problem. I just don’t dig not allowing actual humans to have the ability to post.