That's a nice fucking battlestation, man. So what's the next project? :)
Oh man, I have a bunch of ideas. Writing is high on my priority list. I really need to work much harder on my academic paper. If all goes well I'll have a good v1.0 this weekend. Then there's a book review I want to write for George Gilder's book, and I'm thinking of writing a book proposal after that for the autonomous vehicle book that's been floating in the back of my mind for the past, say, four years or so. I like the tranquility of clean, white walls in my room but I also really like lasercut maps, so I'm thinking of getting a map of Rotterdam Central Station I made recently lasercut on nine 40x20cm oak panels: Part of me wants to pick up playing the guitar again, or to make more music. One of the things I want to do some day is to make an album. But the gap between what I have in my head and my actual skill level is more like an abyss in that regard.
So underrated. When my sister came to visit here she said my room was sad because there's no color :( Hahaha, I feel that. I've also been thinking about picking up guitar-- drums are great, but I've been singing more, and it's a little frustrating not being able to just accompany myself at open mics. Someday I want a suitcase kick drum.I like the tranquility of clean, white walls in my room
Part of me wants to pick up playing the guitar again, or to make more music. One of the things I want to do some day is to make an album. But the gap between what I have in my head and my actual skill level is more like an abyss in that regard.