The reinsurance industry - the guys who insure the insurance companies - started jacking the rates of coastal areas back in like 2009. That, for me, was the moment when it was all over but the posturing. There was a farm I was keenly interested in up in Whatcom County. It was going for crazy cheap. Couldn't figure out why. Did some serious digging (I'm good at serious digging) and discovered that FEMA had adjusted the 100 year floodplain maps in 2010, putting that farmhouse on the "this is a fucking writeoff" portion of the map. Whatcom County regulations made it so that the building would never be issued another permit, that it would be ineligible for federal, state and county relief and that any sales of the property would come with the rider that the structure was not fit for human habitation. So. That cute farmhouse on the North Fork Nooksack with tenants in it in 2014 became a dilapidated shack in 2016.