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comment by goobster
goobster  ·  2302 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 12, 2018

    "... they're trying to make chrome our default browser but there are applications that simply do not work in chrome, only IE ..."

Um. This scares the shit out of me, and I don't even know what bank you work for.

I spent 3 years working at the pointy end of network security (F5 Networks), and assessing how our products, and our competitor's products, defended against an incredibly broad range of security threats.

The ONE THING that enabled the vast majority of successful security breaches, was web apps running in Internet Explorer.

The same app, running in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc., would not have the same security flaws.

The simple fact that your app works in Internet Explorer and NOT in Chrome, is a deafening warning klaxon and flashing lights and alarms and explosions-off-in-the-distance-but-getting-closer-and-closer kind of warning that YOUR SHIT IS BROKE.


Because the fact the app won't work in Chrome means that the app is using some Microsoft-proprietary framework like ActiveX or .Net, to BYPASS PROPER SANDBOXING AND SECURITY and provide DIRECT ACCESS to the host computer's operating system.

There is literally ZERO other reason for an app to work in IE but not in Chrome.

(This is actually a "design feature" that MS used to sell. As a feature. Ability to bypass proper security permissions and rights systems, to get direct access to a protected resource. Of course, they called it something like, "Local resource speed optimizations!", but all they were doing was opening a back door to the club, and not even putting a bouncer on the door to check IDs.)

I'm seeing the wisdom of bfv here... I think this project may have been forced by your panicked IT Department, who has been unable to make any progress with getting the IE app EOL'd.