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comment by goobster
goobster  ·  2335 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Shooting in self-defense


She spent this whole weekend at a weapons training class, getting some serious situational training. She's always been a responsible gun owner, and is already properly trained on weapons handling. But she has doubled-down on her training now.

It is an interesting response to the situation.

I expect she is still not processing a lot of it. Pushing it down. Suppressing it. That's kinda who she is... beautiful and flashy on top, but that's hiding self-doubt and some other issues I don't know much about.

Doubling-down on her situational weapons training is another attempt to cover some internal doubts she may have. Well... that's my internal armchair psychologist's diagnosis, at least.

steve  ·  2335 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    But she has doubled-down on her training now.

based on her lifestyle... the statistical probability of her ever being in this situation again is so minimal.

    I expect she is still not processing a lot of it.

I've thought about her more than a few times since I read this post. Taking a life - even when apparently justified... can take a toll. I hope she's got a decent support system.

    that's my internal armchair psychologist's diagnosis, at least.

That's what friends are for...