I actually used to be in a Halo clan (Team XE, the Extreme Elites) and play organized battles against other teams, etc. We were pretty goddamn good. But there were the kids with various hacks and patches, who would come in and "play" with all their hacks installed. It was annoying. Turned me off of any PvP playing. Gimme a world to explore, and some things to shoot or build now and then, and I'm good. (I figure I'd really like No Man's Sky, but I'm not about to buy a gaming console to pay one game that I don't have the time to play.) Destiny, Skyrim, and PubG all seem like they would be fun, but getting started is just going to be hours and days of frustration to get up to a basic level of capability... and that makes me tired, just thinking about it.
No Man's Sky is dope for about 20 hours. Then you realize the next 200000 hours are going to be like the last 20. Then they updated it and the rules were completely different. You could no longer get a new ship by fixing a busted-ass ship. Then they updated it and the rules were completely different. The only way you could get ahead was by building a base and farming materials. Then they updated it and the rules were completely different. The only way you could get ahead was by building a base and farming for 20000000000000 hours. FUCK No Man's Sky. It could have been awesome. Instead, it's Minecraft without the creativity.
I think I put 50-60 hours into it. I mean, I had a bitchin' ship in 1.0. And I had all the good stuff. And then 1.1 came out and it's like "hey guess what! You have to do a whole bunch of bullshit because we completely changed things and you will never get a ship as bitchin' as the one you have ever again. Unless of course you're willing to sit there and farm for 60 hours." But then, No Man's Sky's raison d'etre is "try to make a boring thing interesting through grandiosity."
There's a game called the long dark that I really enjoy. It's got a story mode now, but it started as a sandbox game. The gist is that you're living in the Canadian north when an electromagnetic storm wipes out everything. Now, you have to survive the winter. It's pretty simple to understand, but it's a permadeath system, so if you make a wrong move you can lose your character. Which is fine because there's tons to figure out and always a better way. It's neat if you like to explore.