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ButterflyEffect · 2669 days ago · link · · parent · post: NestlĂ© Acquires Majority Stake in Blue Bottle Coffee
It's possible except everything goes into blends. We get some really nice coffee that would be passable as a third wave shop (even through the roast profile) but then it goes into a blend with other coffees. It's a bummer. Have you noticed any changes with Stumptown since Peets bought them?
I noticed a change in Stumptown about ten years ago, when they started selling as much coffee as people would order. For a long time they limited the number accounts they would have to keep quality up but then they decided to make some money. I can't say I've drank much Stumptown since the Peets sale but their coffee has been pretty unexciting for years. The one great cafe I knew that still carried them dropped them after a decade. Blends mostly suck.