Except for the environmental aspect of it. Manufacturing any kinds of electronics creates a hideous and highly toxic waste stream. I'm not sure how that squares with: Apple has never been very environmentally sound. Yeah, they try where they can, but, net-net, electronics are shitty for the environment in every single way, from manufacturing to packaging to e-waste. Either they know something about manufacturing that literally nobody else in the world knows, or they are whitewashing the "environmentally friendly" thing by still doing the electronics overseas, and maybe only doing assembly here. But then why would they need that much space? Hm... I'm about 50% convinced it is Apple. And: Doesn't seem like an Apple thing to me. (And "Project Tim" is just way too on-the-nose, right?) "A major component of this project is clean energy and the community can be assured that the company is not only willing to make sure it has a positive environmental impact but due to the nature of our funding source, this will be a key requirement," the document says. "Thus, any project that has an adverse impact on the community will not go forward until those issues are addressed."
It is being pursued by "...a small group of globally leading companies and experts..."
I dunno, man. Manufacturing was never my jam but green points/LEED points are embarrassingly easy to get. This could be the new flagship plant for the Cadmium Cookware Company and so long as their material handling and waste disposal protocols are clean they could be LEED Platinum. The standards I'm familiar with don't give a fuck if you're making napalm and mustard gas out of spent reactor fuel so long as it stays in the box. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoustic_Kitty ...and that's the CIA, not a bunch of Michigan land development guys.Doesn't seem like an Apple thing to me. (And "Project Tim" is just way too on-the-nose, right?)