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comment by ArtemusBlank

I can read a book of poetry but it has to be a poet that interests me. What poets have you tried to read?

_refugee_  ·  2770 days ago  ·  link  ·  


Sorry, if I leave this at "lol" it's going to look rude, but as an amateur poet the list of poets I've read is extremely lengthy; here goes but imagine several volumes from many of these and countless unmentioned one- or half-dozen-offs.

Louise Gluck - 4+ volumes

Sharon Olds

Robert Frost

Dana Goia

Claudia Rankine

Danez Smith

Dean Young

Tomas Transtromer

Patrizia Cavalli

Charles Simic

Mary Oliver

Dorothy Parker

Edna St Vincent Millay


Theodore Roethke



Elizabeth Bishop

Li-Young Lee

Bob Hicok

Robert Hass

Philip Levine

etc etc etc

Anything you can name that got named in your college intro-to-various-eras-of-poetry classes, I probably read it.