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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  2664 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: We Need Memorial Day to Obscure the Unbearable Truth About War

Any guesses on how many more people need be implicated in the Russia probe before "we" decide to throw a match into the current game of Jenga on the Korean peninsula?

Average Joe has apparently been duped into thinking Kim Jong Un's missiles could make it to Seattle and San Fran. Yes, yes, they sure could, if there weren't several dozen anti-ICBM networks all up and running right now. When it's convenient for re-frothing the masses, our massive military industrial complex doesn't even exist.

At this point, I'm convinced that I could have more in common with the president of France than I do with most people in my country. We're ideologically fracturing on a global scale, here. Please mind your step.

johnnyFive  ·  2664 days ago  ·  link  ·  

A couple of things come to mind here.

    Korea and nukyoolar missiles.

The ABM stuff is actually a perfect example of this. We funnel money into one group of government contractors to protect us. If it works, then we feel safer. If it doesn't, then we get to spend more money. Meanwhile, we've somehow gotten the idea that we should keep spending money on it despite the fact that it doesn't work.

But there does seem to be an attempt by Trump&Co. to work us up over N. Korea. The problem is that they've pissed off everyone who would actually make this possible: the press and the intelligence community. The only question now is who's going to be bit on the ass by this first: us or him.


Sorta, and I'm inclined to agree. But your phrasing it as a global split is kind of a reminder: our one country is basically the size and population of Europe with probably more cultural diversity. It's natural that things are going to be chaotic, and that's how things were set up: we're actually doing the much harder thing IMO.