Thought this one was timely.
I enjoyed it too. side note: I'm excited for the day (soon to come, I think) when I don't have to carry a wallet anymore. I hate having things in my pocket.
The first thing I do everyday when I get to work is take my phone and keys out of my pocket and put them on my desk; I don't have to worry about the wallet, because I only carry my debit card and licence. My wish is for a tiny phone that only text messages, so it doesn't bother me with taking up space or ringing.
I was reading the Uchuu Kyodai (aka "Space Brothers") manga (it's a story of 2 brothers. One already works for NASA as an astronaut, the older one is trying to get in) and a lady on the TV said it was silly to spend tons of money on space exploration to which the older brother told a story of 1 dimensional ants learning to become 2 and 3 dimensional ants. It's sounds rather silly, but the manga itself is a lot clearer: Just read it at least until page 8.
Hey, space elevators on page 21!
I enjoyed the "ant" analogy. Thanks It seems too many people are stuck in line, afraid to deviate from the norm.