I'm amazed that the Dutch don't have laws against foreign campaign contributions. It seems like a basic step to prevent this kind of foreign meddling. Even post Citizens United our politicians still can't receive campaign donations from foreigners.
I didn't know we didn't have such laws until this week. But I don't think it matters - there is not much political power money can buy. The way our government is set up is in such a way that collaborating and making compromises is essential to getting anything done. Coalitions are a core function of our politics. Ever since the large CDA (centralist Christian democrats) party declined in the mid-2000s, we've had a politically splintered electorate. I mean, look at the projected seats graph in there. The two biggest parties in the polls right now are hovering between 20 and 30 seats in the Parliament, out of 150. Forming a coalition is going to be quite a problem because a majority of 76 seats are needed.
On top of that, all parties have already said that they won't form a coalition with Wilders because of his parties complete inability to work together. Even if he does get way more seats than expected (and I am worrying about that), he'll still have a hard time getting in a position of governing.