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comment by OftenBen
OftenBen  ·  2627 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Sci-Fi club no. 29: Cowboy Bebop

I've never heard anything good about the movie and I've never watched it.

I'm definitely curating the content I absorb a lot more judiciously than ever before. When I was 12 and deep in my Harry Potter fandom, I read EVERY scrap of fanfiction I could, every possible extra book and supplement to the canon. I find that this type of behavior actually deceases my enjoyment of a lot of fiction, because it puts me in close contact with REAL snobs, what are being termed 'gatekeepers' in modern internet parlance, and those people, by and large, suck and ruin the fun for everyone.

Definitely show her the first episode. It's changed the minds of several friends who thought anime was all kids movies and hentai, so anyone who is at least tolerant of japanimation in general should enjoy it a lot.

kleinbl00  ·  2627 days ago  ·  link  ·  

She made it through Madoka Magica with me. She's also totally on board with my daughter's Miyazaki exposure; she sewed the three Ponyo costumes for Halloween, after all.

user-inactivated  ·  2627 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Watched the movie, didn't leave any impression. It got cataloged in my mind under a filler OVA of sorts. Watched more out of necessity as a fan and lack of forewarning. My high school physics teacher was kind enough to lend me his personal DVD set of Bebop when I had asked him for recommendations. IIRC, I marathoned it in bed during a sickness at the end of winter break and into the school week. It has replay value for sure, and I hope you enjoy it. Also, get well soon.