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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  2638 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump

The Internet was so much better before they allowed the normies access.

You know I was going to write something here but fuck it. The guy's other writings scream "I don't get it" and it fits. 4Chan is the whipping boy when most of the really evil shit done was by Something Awful Goons (and it should shock nobody with an internet history that this author is a goon). The guy wrote 10,000 words on what a hipster is.

All I will say here is that if you see an article on 4Chan by someone outside of Chan culture, that article is almost always wrong.

kleinbl00  ·  2638 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Devil's advocacy:

Considering that the internal culture has no points of reference from person to person and does not interact with the outside world, the inside doesn't fucking matter, yo. What defines 4Chan is where it touches the "normies."

I've fought off raids. I've browsed /b/ as they tear people's lives apart. I know that it signifies me as an Internet SJW by saying this, but I'll fuckin' say it: /b/ is an attractive nuisance. I don't give a fuck how cool it is inside the club, if you can't keep your chavs from breaking windshields and queer-bashing in the alley, you are a negative influence and unworthy of praise or nostalgia.

user-inactivated  ·  2638 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I know that it signifies me as an Internet SJW by saying this, but I'll fuckin' say it: /b/ is an attractive nuisance

That statement makes you a thinking human being with a working brain; I hang out in 4chan and 8chan and I hate /b/. /b/ was always the shitpost containment board. /pol/ is a joke inside a comedy wrapped in the tragedy that there are people taking it seriously. (fun fact about /pol/? I know a Jewish guy who posts in there as a flaming neonazi. he thinks its hilarious and takes the bite out of the horror of racism. not sure I agree.) The tech boards like /v/ /g/ /sci/ all developed a culture that created a high cost of entry that kept out a lot of the undesirables. The thing about /b/ is that the goons descended into the board and used it to wage wars on each other.

4chan, and all the chan boards serve a purpose. Knowing what they are going in, and having the think skin and solid sense of "not giving a fuck" are the only requirements. Not everyone should go there. Hell there are people here I'd warn in loud, steady tones that they should avoid Chans.

kleinbl00  ·  2638 days ago  ·  link  ·  

so hard not to go Godwin on this...

    /b/ was always the shitpost containment board.

The raison d'etre of the article is that the shitposts are not only uncontained, but that they're fully malignant to democracy. Whether you like Trump for the lulz or because he destabilizes Western democracy enough for you to seize Poland doesn't matter - you get to seize Poland.

    4chan, and all the chan boards serve a purpose.

And again - the purpose they serve internally has been superseded by the effects they have caused externally. You can warn people to stay way from the Chans in loud, steady tones... but they're fucking up democracy now. When someone calls you a cuck in a WeHo bar there's no avoiding it anymore.

"Wealth - any income that is at least one hundred dollars more a year than the income of one's wife's sister's husband." - HL Mencken

Assume you're a basement-dwelling /b/tard. Assume your high school rival is a coder for Google. From a comparative wealth standpoint it is just as effective to destroy all employment prospects for coders everywhere as it is for you to find a killer gig writing in Ruby.

That is what the article is about.

am_Unition  ·  2638 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't think that's an SJW thing to say at all, there are some very dark things passing through /b/. I'm just worried that if /b/ were disbanded, a wrath of least-common-denominator types would be unleashed onto the rest of the internet for at least a few weeks. People.. who... (gasp I don't know if I.... gulp if I can do it..) ...people who call /b/ their home.

4chan was a great lesson for me into 1. the power of images, 2. how anonymity can serve as a window into the thoughts of others (and they had some bad fuckin' thoughts) 3. the intrigue of the guarantee of "temporariness" (each thread having a finite lifespan, even though archiving typically happened to the most significant stuff) and 4. the power of DDoS, among other things.

Maybe hubski will get an image board someday that could get shut down just a few days later, who knows?