I'm proud of the people at the women's march. I'm proud of the people rushing to the airports to offer legal aid, emotional support, and solidarity. I'm proud of the people determined to be vigilant day and night for the sake of their neighbors, their country, and the international community. I'm fucking terrified that any of this is happening and how much worse things could possibly get. This isn't sane and this isn't healthy and this isn't the direction I want the world to go.
Yeah but come on, of all the agencies to go rogue you just knew the Forest Service would be somewhere near the top of that list. At least given my encounters with Forest Rangers and the like.
Yeah but come on, of all the agencies that could possibly go political you cannot tell me that the Forest Service was on the short list. My great aunt Marge was a staunch Republican who, for 30 years, ran the FDR memorial in upstate New York. Generally they're above this sort of thing.