Anyway, this new coffee shop just opened a few blocks from me, and feeling next to dead from having went to a midnight Dark Night then working all day, I ventured in for a coffee. I generally consider myself lower middle class, but for two coffees it was $7.75, and gladly, I paid, as their coffee is remarkably good. Then, as I was leaving, there was a bum standing right outside with a plastic bag full of bottles he was probably taking to the store (10ยข deposit here in MI). If I would have seen him on the way in and he asked me for money, I'm sure I would have said no, because I get begged for money everyday; I rarely fork over, because its so annoying and I can't pay everyone. But then I just paid the equivalent of an hour's work at minimum wage for two cups of coffee.
Wtf is wrong with me (us)? For all the bitching we do about rich people not paying taxes, or cash hoarding, etc, am I (are we) any better? The fact is I like expensive coffee, but is there an ethical price for buying it in a place where kids starve and get shot with fair regularity?