I've been off facebook for several years now and I was actually thinking of going back. So many people use it to stay in touch that it's difficult to keep up with friends who moved away otherwise. Though I did just order a bunch of christmas cards, so that might be a good alternative.
That's why I didn't delete it. I have many friends all over the world who I want to keep in touch with, and FB is just a good tool for peeping into their lives. What I did is change my behavior with FB, so I get more from it. When I log in, I immediately click on my name to jump away from the Feed, and go straight to my profile. This way I can see if anyone has posted to my page or tagged me in anything I should see. Then I type in specific people's names, to go to their profile, and see what is new with them. It's a minor thing, but it gives ME agency and control, and puts me in the driver's seat with my interactions with FB. Rather than just passively scrolling through the Feed, I am actively looking for specific people, which feels much more genuine and "connected" to them. "Hey friend, what have YOU been up to lately?" This way I find is more honest, or something. Intentional. And I do have a big cheat: My wife is always on FB. So if something happens, I know about it through her.