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comment by blackbootz
blackbootz  ·  2971 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: November 16, 2016

I'm annoyed by how often I need to go to the barber and they take all of six minutes to do what I need. Not to say that it's therefore possible for me to cut my own hair, but if you've found a way, what's your secret? Only scissors? Clippers involved?

flac  ·  2971 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I just use a set of clippers. I actually picked my haircut based on what was easiest to cut, and I've been doing it the same way for about 4 years now - it just happened to finally become trendy.

Basically, there are only two lengths of hair involved here - top and sides/back. All I do is place my non-clipper-holding hand on the top of my head as a dividing line, and cut up to the edge of my hand. Move the hand back a bit, do the same thing all the way around. I keep my hair long on top, so I only trim it every few months, which I use scissors for.

If your hair is usually cut short, you can probably get away with using clippers for the whole thing, which is definitely the easiest.

blackbootz  ·  2970 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I've been doing it the same way for about 4 years now - it just happened to finally become trendy.

That's hilarious. The top of my hair is only slightly longer than the sides but it's still cut with scissors. So I think your method may work. I'll report back.

b_b  ·  2971 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I also cut my own hair for a long time, a trick I picked up from mk, although I had a slightly better haircut. It's not hard, if you're willing to have one really bad haircut (your first). You learn a lot then you get decent at it pretty quickly. I would say the biggest secret is to cut the ends in a kinda jagged way (like what thinning scissors do), because that hides mistakes really well. Obviously the back is the hardest part. If you have two opposing mirrors it's not so bad once you get used to looking at it backward. Wouldn't try to freehand that shit without a mirror. Asking for trouble.

blackbootz  ·  2970 days ago  ·  link  ·  

And is your end game clipped and shorter hair on the sides and scissor-cut and a bit longer hair on top? Or do only cut all around? Because I'm going for a size 3 clipper length on the sides. Makes the gray hairs I've had since 10th grade pop out.

edit: looks like flac says it can be done. No excuses now!