Certainly appreciate you pointing out some of the bias inherent to this source. The Russian Orthodox Church probably would love any confirmation of the benefits of a monkish lifestyle. That said, the layman's technical explanation of cellular autophagy presented within is hardly misleading or obfuscating. In fact, it's not much different than the Nobel Committee's press release for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. And on a personal note, this makes me want to take another fast. What are you thinking thenewgreen?
Interestingly, I was just thinking about how I have not had anything to eat since last night at 8 PM. Therefore, I think I will do a fast. 48 hours. I will not eat until tomorrow at 8pm. I will, however, allow myself bulletproof coffee. Cheers!
If I'm not mistaken, bulletproof coffee is a branded coffee drink that has oils and butter in it. Regular black coffee has a few calories in it per cup. That said, I don't think that 100% of the autophagic effects of fasting are negated by ingesting a small amount of calories. But where the autophagic effects drop off significantly is totally beyond me.