This is an old video from January 2015, but I just saw it. I'm surprised. The last video I saw of Anthony Bourdain reviewing food was a really old video of his review of Gordon Ramsay when Ramsay was still working in the kitchen as a chef.
The contrast between that food and this burger is stark.
I've never eaten an In-N-Out burger before. Are they really that good?
Ate at one in Austin, TX, a couple years ago, and it was pretty OK. Didn't knock my socks off. But I've also heard people claim that it's not the same quality as you can find in CA, something to do with the food supplier's limited distribution, which may explain why they aren't going global. Looks like the location furthest east is in Dallas. Here's an article from three years ago that seems to hit the nail on the head.
So I was in Los Angeles (for the first time evar!) a couple weeks ago, walked into an In-N-Out, and was turned away because of a pipe bursting in the kitchen that forced them to close for a few hours. Sucks.