You don't ease debt or deficits with more lending and lower rates. The globe doesn't revolve around ideas. You need everyone on board to go with an idea to have effect. Kind of like what Hitler did. But then, wait a minute...nevermind. Here's a free thought I'd argue mankind can agree on: we all need food, water and shelter to survive.... NOT quantitative easing.
As somebody with a layman's understanding of what's going on, what do you mean by this bit?They are now picking winners and losers for us.
Essentially the central bankers are allowing certain organizations to borrow at 0% rates but not everyone is invited. So if you are say fortune 100 company building toasters you get to borrow for basically free but if you are a small mom and pop shop building better toasters you have to borrow at 8% and you cant compete because the cost difference is so high. Also if you actually make a profit despite that the fortune 100 company can essentially borrow infinite amounts of money and buy you out and shut out competition.
well, unless you aren't buying their game. The CB's don't own the world, i think it's time to call BS. They announced their Ace-high and the board flopped in favor of the odds against. People are collective subjects, but leave them to their own means and they're instantly smarter - in a game that is rigged... There isn't a trick to calling a bluff in RL. There is fold equity, but who's the winner when there is no buy-back?