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bhrgunatha · 3113 days ago · link · · parent · post: Aldi confirms up to 100% horsemeat in beef products | Business | The Guardian
When I was a kid we had family in the Air Force and they were posted to Germany and we visited a couple of weeks. At that time they used to sell horse meat sausages. No idea whether they still sell that, but they certainly didn't back in the UK. They were the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted. After the holiday I was upset that I couldn't find them at home. I've never understood why people are OK with eating cows but not horses. I do understand that people would feel duped buying one thing as advertised and finding it's something else, but I don't understand the moral outrage. Prseumablty whoever provides it can get horse meat cheaper, otherwise why bother? Anyone know why horse meat would be cheaper?