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comment by Deltron_0
Deltron_0  ·  2883 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Domenico Montanaro: Donald Trump's Problems Are Much Deeper Than A Campaign Manager

that is a fantastic take away from history. couldn't agree more. I am, on the other hand, far too compassionate for the wellbeing of my neighbors than just keeping to myself. The more who know about this hurricane, the better imo - because nature has shown the health in a diverse climate. Sure, mankind is undoubtedly the problem facing our planet.... but this problem is an opportunity for advancement. Enter Elon Musk. I argue that the current pressure on our impact on the planet is as much spurring technological innovation right now as anything... and the development of mankind off the planet.

I don't want to see the same cycles repeat. Who knows how bad the hurricane is, but the data is suggesting it's a record breaker. I'm an amateur space pioneer, looking to go pro before I die. Check the health and wealth occurring for the western world once commercial enterprise was able to promote the development of the 'new world.' Of course, the paradise that was abundant for the native americans, who had it made... was ruined.

Let's go ruin space, it's flipping huge. The odds are against mankind, it's only a matter of time before something, or ourselves, wipes away life as we know it.

The issues are paramount - they are big enough that the president will become 'commander in chief'....I should've referenced the laws in place during the Roman empire that gave the emperor sole control for like 6 months or something in trying times. I'm sure a hubskian ought to know a lot more about these details ^^^ than myself.

The free-world, free in the sense of not being dominated by the $U.S., are reaching their check...and checkmate will fall - unless there is incredibly quick action - which is not going to happen with our current system of government. Clinton is in with so much of the status quo - she is the prime motivator of maintaining the status quo. Theorists would speculate this could all fall as a ruse to attain control over our federal government... I wouldn't go that far. I already know how insane my posts seem.

There is a big storm coming.... and history has shown us that our government is fully capable of functioning during these times, but the current status quo has utterly thrown the global financial system into complete disfunction, the bubble is about to pop. A reset is coming. I value a fresh candidate, vs a bastion of the status quo, aging all the way back to the times of Nixon and the birth of the current fiat U.S. dollar.

sorry to bug most of you, especially that I make posts and retrace them for the next half hour editing them -.-

am_Unition  ·  2883 days ago  ·  link  ·  

What bubble? Other than the Silicon Valley startup bubble that desperately needs popping.

Deltron_0  ·  2883 days ago  ·  link  ·  

global. macro. everything involving the 20 trillion dollar deficit. That's all. Google is your friend but you may want to stop the blue pill. I really need to get going..


tacocat  ·  2883 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Did you by chance wander in from over here?

Deltron_0  ·  2883 days ago  ·  link  ·  

not even close. My words are backed by tangible events - that were released to the public in 1997.

I am done. I am already labeled a looney. I'm half insulted by your link. But this type of treatment hasn't changed since I was diagnosed bipolar. Thank you, asshole.

tacocat  ·  2883 days ago  ·  link  ·  

A suitably disjointed response I suppose. You're welcome.