thanks for your story, so i think if i'm attending art school, i'll be one of those no talent guys.. because i honestly never really know what i'm interested in except in art, or what am i good at. i think my life is really flat, i study what teacher teach me in school, and its all about textbooks, right? i love to read articles on the internet, and i enjoy watching youtube. i spend most of my weekends on youtube. and yeah i think i should really open up my eyes even more about life. because its not as nice and easy as that i think maybe! anyway if i may know, what was it like to study arts in university? is it tiring? do u have a hard time? anyway thank you for sharing :D
Art school is a playground with limited supervision. We smoked cigarettes in the studios, drank there, smoked weed in the classrooms after hours. I don't think anyone else had more fun in school. I majored in sculpture when I went back to finish my degree so we also played with fire, melted metal and used various industrial equipment. When I was a graphic design major things were a lot more sober. I had to deal with a lot of people with no talent or ambition who were in college because they were expected to be in college. My favorite story about one of these people was a girl who used the prompt love/hate to make a (bad) life sized plaster model of herself drinking milk with a bunch of empty milk jugs around it. She loved milk but she was lactose intolerant so that's what she came up with for the assignment. The movie Art School Confidential is good too. It seems ridiculous but art school is just that.