That little girl is adorable! I love seeing your adventures. You look happy being there. If you're taking requests, I'd love to see more of the food you're eating while there.
Yeah, that little girl really was cute. I'd second the food request (those noodles looked good), also it's nice seeing you interact with people etc. These are great though, I liked the shots from the bike. -Be careful!! Cool shot when you switch from over his right shoulder to over his left while on the winding road. "it even smells like russia." -My favorite line.
You are on to something with these vlogs. You are good at this. Continue to add in more of the comedic/poetic language you used in this comment and they'll be at the next level. Safe travels!Smelled like an old closet + cigarettes. Ew. I guess thats the smell of communism.
Awesome! remember to include such descriptions in the moments on the video. I love it!