Very well thought out letter. A lot of that is what I would way to myself at 14 (except the "street cred" stuff. I have tho oppositof street cred. Whatever that is.) I talked to a friend who I hadn't talked to in a year yesteday. We've had the same therapist and well, maybe that shows. Therapy sisters or whatever. We talked about really personal shit and that was nice. Kind of unexpected. But really really nice. Also she said that a certain someone might like me so... you know, that's nice. And like, I'm an ADULT soon? The fuck? I also talked future with a very nice teacher. Who told me to come and keep talking future. He's cool. He used to be in buissnius law and comes from a posh backround (he is british) and now he is a teacher who shows documentaries about marx. Also he seems to be "feeling the bern" as the youngsters say. Fun fact time! The leader of my political party used to be politically active in the US. As a socialist. Guess who tweets stuff about Bernie Sanders a lot! He. He does.
Opposite of street cred - nerd cred?
Yes. I am filled with nerd cred. Every pore of my being is flowing over with nerd cred. I