I'm not a diehard vegetarian, but I am of the opinion that an enormous amount of resources are wasted in the meat industry. Like how one kilo of beef (2.2lbs) requires 15,000 liter (4,000 gallons) to make. So I try to do my part and reduce my meat intake, while also being a frugal student, which means either using the above because it's cheaper or just adding more vegetables to a meal and leaving meat out. I still eat a lot of meat though. My supermarket recently replaced all their cheap, unethical chicken products with a 'New Standard Chicken', making more space for chickens and slower growth rates mandatory. I think that's a great idea, but I'm more excited for the day when meat replacements are just as good and cheaper than regular meat.
Great! Your questioning felt a bit like a cross-examination, hence my comment. Meat or no meat is a discussion with a past: Overpopulation is bad - on the flip side though, doesn't that also imply that there isn't enough nature for them to live in?Not trying to pigeonhole, just curious.
Ah, that guy. And no, with the deer thing, it implies that they have no predators and breed like crazy. It implies that they get fat on corn and alfalfa and raise car insurance rates.