I'm not sure I'll ever be deprived unless I force myself into such a situation.
The problem with being comfortable is that it starts to become tedious. Yet you still remain just comfortable enough to not be motivated into action. A bit like when smoking weed becomes too habitual. Comfort is a walk through open fields on a summer's evening, with a breeze bathing your face with its cooling touch. Sure, it's lovely. Perhaps even ecstasy in the moment. You could easily see yourself staying in that environment indefinitely. But sooner or later you're going to start yearning for some mountains. Something to challenge and sharpen the senses. That's why I enjoyed my time in higher education, because those 'mountains' came to me in the form of deadlines. I would be perpetually challenged, as well as being safe in the knowledge that I would likely enjoy said challenges. But now that's over. And I'm realising from here on out that if I want mountains to climb, then I'm likely going to have to build them myself. That what I'm struggling with and I guess always have. I could be over-thinking it and/or being melodramatic of course. Maybe this is a natural plateau and not one of my own creation. Who knows. I'm sure I'll find out at some point.