a few years ago I woke up with crushing chest pain and shortness of breath. I was a fat guy loaded up with stress in my late 30's... the logical thing to do is call 911 and NOT die from a heart attack, right? Nope. I went to the computer and googled "Chest pain and shortness of breath" and waited an hour or so until 7am when my normal doctor's office scheduling line opened up. I didn't want to pay the hundreds of dollars for an ER visit. Stop and think about that... All of the symptoms and life situations of a dude who could be having a heart attack and I went to google. How messed up is that? blergh.It's no surprise that I know scores of people in their twenties and thirties who forego medical attention because they don't want to deal with that shit. What a mess.
while I was trying to be "punny" - this whole healthcare situation is JACKED and probably not funny at all. From where I sit, which is a place of spoiled-rotten-white-collar-comfort, we are living in a system that is completely unsustainable. Something HAS to change. But as long as lawyers and lobbyists are running things... nothing will. We will just continue to spend more per person on healthcare than we should - and STILL have to put up with Rx commercials.