Haven't heard from you in a while. Mind you, I haven't been Mr. Communication myself. Currently in the final throes of nursing school prerecs, and then the real work begins in May. The stuff I'm taking right now isn't hard per se, there's just a lot of it, and I have to fit study/test time into the little cracks between kid time. It's kind of a meat grinder. Added incentive to finish soon: the program through which I'm finishing prerecs is a joke, and I'm convinced that it's just a matter of time before somebody with the power to do something about it realizes as much, and takes away their accreditation. So I'm trying to finish and get into school before that happens. No music, although I have been messing with a satisfying guitar line every night after work and before bed. No lyrics or melody, because I get subject matter from life, and life right now is just a litany of physiology terms. Can't do much with that. In time, I guess. Clearly trying to be more present here, we'll see if I can keep it up for long. Have another kid! Three is fun.
Thanks, tonight the kids were uber obnoxious and my wife looked over at me and said, "you sure you want a third?" --I go back and forth. I bought a synth. I'm inspired. I made this today: I think the second half is pretty cool. Good luck with the prerecs.