- She came out "against" it when it became clear it would hurt her campaign. Just like every other stance she has.
When marriage equality came to fruition and she changed her Twitter to be all about how much she had done for the cause I became upset. That's when she lost me for good. Fuck her. She's a staunch opportunist with little to no integrity.
As goobster said in a recent #meethubski it's easier to have integrity when you don't change your positions. I believe he said "consistency."
Well, Bernie has been consistent. The guy has lots of integrity.
Why thanky for the name drop! But I also want to make sure to say that I fully support politicians changing their stance......... when presented with superior data.
Admittedly, it is hard to determine why a politician has changed their stance... changing morals of the electorate, influential lobbyists with seemingly convincing data, new scientific breakthroughs, institutional changes, or simply pandering to a new niche.
All that said, I expect Hillary would be happy to take any position someone paid her for.
Bernie would change his opinion once he saw a validated, peer-reviewed study in an independent academic journal, with other researchers having done their own analyses and come up with similar results, and three demonstrated successful test implementations of the plan.
(Oops. Sorry. Is my bias sticking out again?)
- Oops. Sorry. Is my bias sticking out again?)