I came out of hibernation and logged into Hubski from an extensive period of work to make sure that you guys see this. Make Donald Drumpf Again. I refuse to call him by any other name, now. It's a name like Daesh, and he deserves every ounce of disrespect he ever receives. The fact that this has gone on this long is completely ridiculous, and it seems that everyone I know is falling for his bullshit. Thank you John Oliver for doing the job that the media is supposed to do. They whine and cry and then just end up covering Mr. Drumpf and fueling his ego, his campaign, and his lies more than anyone else while claiming to dislike him. Fuck American media. Let's make America great again by ensuring this asshat doesn't get elected. This is the first time in my life that I actually am going to vote, and I think Hillary Clinton is an authoritarian yet I will still vote for her over Drumpf. She at least respects people and has diplomatic skills, and won't start World War III. My entire life I have specifically been a registered voter so that I could be counted as a statistic as someone who doesn't vote, and I've been doing it specifically for this purpose. I've wanted to eventually vote in local elections and never vote for president because I have yet to see a candidate that was worthy of being president, but I never end up having the time to research the local candidates, so I've never voted in the 8 elections I've been registered for. Everyone is right, we will see record turnout at the ballots. It's because independents and centrists will not put up with a candidate like Drumpf and people like me will come out of our little holes and actually vote for someone we don't want to (Clinton most likely) because we don't want to live under a fascist regime.
Sanders can't get half of what he wants passed, passed. Not with a Republican congress. If he manages to make universal healthcare a reality I'd be very happy. And it actually makes more sense economically than the system we have now. We spend more $$$/Person than any other 'civilized' country, and have worse quantifiable public health outcomes. https://www.isidewith.com/political-quiz Try that quiz out, see what happens.
89% Gary Johnson. Fucking shocker since I work with the Libertarians in St. Louis. And I took all the little side questions too. You're totally right about Sanders being hamstrung by Congress. He won't get anything substantial passed. Look at what happened with the ACA. Instead of being a single payer public option like Obama and the Democrats wanted, the Republicans basically said, "We'll let people with Cancer get insured with prior conditions if you make everyone in America buy insurance from normal companies under penalty of law." Good deal everybody.
It's something I'm interested in seeing changed. You're right that costs are too high for what we get, and that this would be changed for the better if there was a governmental body negotiating with all the companies for health care costs. Medicare/Caid often gets the best prices on medical devices for example based on its power and customer base. What I would like to see is a government plan offered in tandem with the private options. Like when Google Fiber goes out and says, "Hey, we're going to undercut AT&T to force them to beef up their network and lower prices." I want the government to do that. It would be cool if you just had the option to join Medicare as it stands and not just be paying a private company because you're forced to give them your business or pay a huge fine.
All of which is mIles better than what we have now. With regard to healthcare/cost management, I think of it as a tool that the species needs to refine. Right now the US has a flint knife and Europe has a crude bronze blade. Sure the bronze blade might not be great, but it's better than the flint. The US has the choice of making a bronze knife, or trying to sharpen a flint blade past it's useful tolerances.
83% Bernie Sanders 81% Gary Johnson 81% Jill Stein I'm kind of surprised about the wide range parties showing up as high percentages (Democrat, Libertarian, Green). 66% Hillary Clinton 59% Ted Cruz Does that mean I'm 66% authoritarian and 59% serial killer? :S 33% Drumpf I'm sad it's not zero.
Yeah. The problem with that test (not that it isn't good enough at what it does) is that there are certain deal breakers for candidates. If my candidate is racist then it's a deal-breaker for me no matter what other tenets I hold with them. When Rand Paul went Pro-Life in the pres. run I knew I was done. You can't run as the 'Libertarian' Republican and run Pro-Life, even if your foreign policy and domestic spying stances are well aligned with mine.
Only in America can Donald Trump become Donald Drumpf or vice versa. Anyways make Donald Drumpf again.
I want to make another extremely important comment about this video. I keep reading from Drumpf supporters that "Drumpf" is not actually the ancestral name of Donald Trump. My stance is that this makes this term 100 times better. If Donald Trump's ancestral name is not in fact Drumpf, then that means it is a politically incorrect term for his family. I am seeing supporters of Drumpf directly advocating for the usage of the name "Trump" instead of "Drumpf" already, which means they are directly advocating for political correctness. I am not politically correct, I hate political correctness but that didn't mean I fell for the Drumpf political incorrectness bandwagon. I will continue to use this word exactly because it is politically incorrect and exposes hypocrisy in the minds of Drumpf supporters. I await Mr. Drumpf's response to this, I can't wait for him to be butthurt about his family name and he himself to start advocating for political correctness under the guise of a different name.
John Oliver is not the first one to focus on the Drumpf surname. The Boston Globe did a story about this in September but no one really noticed.
I look forwarding to watching this when I get home