- following people does seem like an interesting way to find things I wouldn't know about other wise.
This is one of hubski's really positive traits in my opinion. For example - I know rd95 is a car guy. If I followed #cars, I would see all kinds of cool posts from him. But HOLY HELL this guy posts a ton of interesting other stuff like this:
and this! I mean seriously - this!
I just had to look at my profile - I only follow 24 tags... I follow 90 people. Your mileage may vary, but for me, the number one feature I enjoy most about hubski (can I even call it a feature?) is that by following people, I get to know people. You get this more rounded view of people. thenewgreen isn't just some guy who is in to music because I see his posts on #music. He happens to be a top tier salesman which I know because I follow HIM - not just some aspect of him.
lil isn't just some poet via #poetry. She's an amazing powerhouse of a woman who I find hilarious and edgy.
On the flipside - maybe I find someone to be a real jerkface.... but damn if they don't post interesting things to some other random tag. I can follow that tag and leave the rest of them behind.
Anyway - enough of my ramblings. Welcome. I'm following you now, so post some interesting stuff! I look forward to getting to know you.
(one last ramble - don't be offended if some day I stop following you. It happens. Once, TNG unfollowed everyone just to shake things up and get a new feed).
I'm the total opposite, actually. I follow #tags, not people, for the most part. I only follow people if they have had consistently great content and comments, and I've interacted with them a bunch.
I should still probably follow more people.