From an article titled "Why People Think Total Nonense is Really Deep": Is this an ironic piece?The precise reasons that people see profundity in vague buzzwords or syntactic but completely random sentences are unknown.
All words in that sentence have meaning. The exact reason that people see depth in vague words or structured but completely random sentences are unknown. This isn't talking about large or unnecessarily complex sentences, it is talking about meaningless ones. What the article is refering to is sometimes known as woo. See this for an example:
My confusion doesn't stem from the sentence I quoted. It stems from the fact that an entire study was commissioned which essentially concludes that "some people are pretty stupid", but makes ample use of polysyllabic words to appear sophisticated. Look, see how I can do it too? An elementary grasp of IQ distribution invalidates any necessity for conducting this study.
Excellent response, and a reminder that I shouldn't Hubski before breakfast. Also, I hate psychology. Sorry.