Funny. Not really 538.
Buddy of mine worked on After Earth. He loved working for M Night. Apparently he's a great guy who truly takes care of his crews. People forget that he wrote the script for Stuart Little. At the end of the day, he's a working professional that, for a number of years, was allowed to get away with murder. As we get further and further away from Sixth Sense he has to take more and more yeoman-like jobs. If I had a $5m movie directed by M. Night I'd bloody well put "from the creator of Sixth Sense on the front of it, too. You are now aware that Michael Cimino worked for 20 years past Heaven's Gate , Renny Harlin is kickin' it 20 years past Long Kiss Goodnight and not even Waterworld could stop Kevin Reynolds.
Wow. I did that back when I got my big ass TV hooked up. It's just... Magnificent. Each time I watch it at a different point in my life, and each time I find some new aspect that just cements it as vitally important. I've got the David Lean/Noel Coward Criterion set sitting right next to me in my office now too. Might pop one of those in.