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comment by _refugee_

    Part 4: The Things You Would Expect That Are Totally Wrong

    Common misconceptions about freelancing include: ”OMG! You don’t have a boss, that is awesome!” and ”OMG! you can work in your PJS!” and “OMG! You can work whenever you want!”

Similar to things people don't get about working from home. I had a friend tell me that it was awesome I could work from home full time and that if she could, she would just go to a local coffeeshop and use the wifi and work from there all the time.

I was like, you have no idea how much you would never do exactly that ever.

Elrond  ·  3456 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I imagine working from home is a lot like studying from home. Some of my friends would take classes in college that did not require them to actually be present in class, but rather do the work from home and just show up for the exam.

I tried that once, and failed miserably. I don't have to study much for a subject if I attend the class.; conversely, I will suck ass if I don't attend a class.

I'm guessing working from home is the same situation. It sounds fantastic and tempting to try it, but I'm sure I would get nothing done.

insomniasexx  ·  3456 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I was like, you have no idea how much you would never do exactly that ever.

This. There are definitely things I do differently (like running errands during the week) but the majority of the time I'm sitting at my computer, without makeup, without real clothes, without people around me, working.

Another huge factor that people don't realize: when you don't have people around, you tend to talk to yourself more and sorta have a hard time transitioning back to real life after a stretch of work. For example, my roommate would come home and it would take me 30 or 45 minutes and a beer to be able to hold a real conversation. I can get in the zone more easily than I ever could at the office, but it was harder to get into that zone while working from home, and harder to get out of.

It's just significantly different and it's nothing like anyone expects.