I mean, that's a pretty hyperbolic interpretation. I think the argument is that Rubio would "help attract" (not unilaterally garner the votes of) young people who wouldn't have otherwise voted for another old white Republican. Rubio's a fresh, persuasive, telegenic face, and it politics that does matter.How fucking cynical is that statement? Young people vote for attractive people? I get this guy is trying to build a ticket to win, and abhorr that winning is more important than any issue, but that's the best you can do? Rubio is handsome? Old White Man/Handsome Cuban 2016, put your money on that because we can win Ohio, Florida and the shallow vote.
There's no substance to the article. It doesn't put any platform forward except to win by taking Florida and Ohio. Me pointing out one line that seems particularly cynical doesn't change the cynical thesis which is "win the election" regardless of any particular policy. I don't know that much about William Buckley but I think his time at the National Review was intellectually deeper than exploiting the electoral college