I only take aspirin and I really really believe in it. I have a beastly pain threshold and as long as I keep really really believing in aspirin it's placebo is enough for me to deal with it. In truth all three are pretty lame. After a few deaths in the family I ended up sitting on a pile of powerful prescription pain killers (pretty much all the good stuff). I used them once in a while but mostly traded them for this and that before they got too far past expiration. I also gave some to injured people I knew who didn't have health insurance. I miss them.
I've got a handful of old vicodin in the medicine cabinet from a root canal a few years back. I keep them around for infrequent migraines - and they seem to do the trick. What happens to the old opiates with age? From what I've read - if kept cool, dry, and dark, they might just lose some potency over time. Anyone have experience with this?before they got too far past expiration