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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3503 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Some people worth following

    dashnammit // I'd follow them, but they muted me.

You too? I wonder what for; I tried to figure it out for my case - even tried to send a message, which was blocked by the filter - to no avail.

Killerhurtz  ·  3503 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Most likely you said something they disagreed with. In my case, it was for saying that most of the so-called "furry" or "otherkin" community should seek help for their dissociative disorder.

user-inactivated  ·  3503 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't know much about the furry community, but I can see how such a judgemental statement can be seen as worthy of muting.

Killerhurtz  ·  3502 days ago  ·  link  ·  

But it's sort of against the spirit of Hubski though. I wasn't denying them or belittling them - I was just saying that someone who doesn't see themselves as human should probably seek some sort of help, because it's most likely not healthy, especially since some of them try to reject society as a whole simply because it's human - and substitute that society for another made of people like themselves, causing a heavy echo chamber (and psychology-wise, such echo chambers tend to worsen psychological issues and mental illness - exposition to outside elements and discussion is a strong component of healing)

user-inactivated  ·  3502 days ago  ·  link  ·  

And your best solution for such kind of people is to point out to them that they are mentally unhealthy, instead of working around the issue you have zero interaction with and contribution to anyway?

I've never seen anyone from the furry world who has any claim to this world, and humanity as a whole, being wrong the way it is. No furry fan has ever called me out on being a lesser being for being human. I assume that, because otherwise there'd be a shitstorm online, which even the recluse that I am would notice. They believe whatever they want to believe, it's their choice, they've never dragged anyone into their community (as far as I know) - and you appear to be an asshole for calling them outright mentally ill while having no understanding of the underlying reasons (as far as I know; I may be wrong, but it appears otherwise at the moment) or even trying to understand those.

You seem like a thoughtful person, but because of such behavior, you appear to be on a level of an angry mother who finds her child to be gay and becomes offended by the way of living she has no interaction with. I hope you understand how silly it looks.

Killerhurtz  ·  3500 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Problem is, I DO have interactions, in real life, with that kind of people. And there's nothing but trying to get them to get help that I can do.

And you might not have much contact - because I've seen otherkin be as vehement in their doing as the extremist feminists (one is "Kill All cis-species freaks" and the other is "kill all men"). And I've seen parents raise their children that way. And of course they can believe what they want to believe - it does not mean it's healthy, just like you shouldn't encourage someone with split personality to develop both, or to encourage someone with bipolarity to embrace both sides of their trouble instead of seeking help. Hell - we already treated people for mental illness because they thought they were other people - what makes people who think they're animals (and by that I don't mean people who have a spirit animal or really look up to an animal - I am talking about the "I am an animal stuck in a human body" folks). And I know I look like an asshole - but it's not like "You're mentally ill, get some help freak" but "You have mental troubles - please, for your own sake, get help before something worse happens". Like telling someone depressive to seek help before they turn suicidal, or a person afflicted by psychosis to get help before they're arrested/killed during an episode. As for understanding them - I don't claim to completely get them, but from an objective point of view, I can understand the reasoning behind their beliefs - however it is not healthy (as most point of views is some variant of "humans have done terrible things, therefore all humans are terrible, and since I am not terrible I cannot possibly be human").

And no, I don't understand how silly it looks simply because I mean no ill. I do not oppose the ways of living - I oppose the reasons for the ways, and the extremist beliefs that sometimes come with it. The group I am talking about has an unhealthy hatred of the whole human species. Just like I oppose extemist feminism who has an unhealthy hatred of the male gender (and sometimes all genders except purely feminine - no natural or operated trans-person (F2M is "gender traitoring" and M2F is "infiltration"), and so on).

user-inactivated  ·  3500 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    of course they can believe what they want to believe - it does not mean it's healthy

I don't see how that should matter to you unless you're under any sort of assault from such people. There are plenty of people who believe themselves to be one gender trapped in the other's body. Unusual? Certainly. Unhealthy? Arguably. A source of problem for those around? Not unless they project actively their vision of themselves onto others.

I had troubles associating with humanity and humans because, until the age of 19, I was never accepted as a person. I had very different ideas from my peers - the idea of mutual respect, of kindness and helping etc. - and as such, I had big troubles connecting to others. You know who I thought I was? A Martian, as a species not terran yet a prominent humanoid. What helped me overcome that is someone acceptance, someone showing me that I'm actually as human as I can be, and all my troubles are of a human being. Was it healthy for me to believe otherwise? Arguably. Did it do me good to be accepted despite my beliefs? Most certainly.

The way I see it, you aren't helping anyone with what you do. If you're coming up to people you barely know and tell them that they have mental issues, who's benefitting from that? No one. I wouldn't listen to a stranger telling me that I have mental issues, especially if their sole motivation is to "get me healthy". "Go fuck yourself, dude!".

People believe whatever makes them comfortable with the world around them, most of the times. It is when brain chemistry messes with the people, then they might need help. Not yours, but those who care about said people and have their trust. You're just putting sticks into others' wheels. Don't do that, or don't be surprised when others do the same to you.

Killerhurtz  ·  3500 days ago  ·  link  ·  

First, I AM under assault from them almost regularly - my city has a population of them, and I possess physical traits (most notably my long hair and natural longer canine teeth) that make them want to accost me - and thus they react poorly when I tell them I am not part of it and am not interested in it. And in my other discussion, I actually discussed gender - gender is not unusual considering there IS all of the wiring and hormones necessary for both genders in both sexes - different upbringing, genetics and hormone levels can cause a variety of gender fluidity - and that is not strange to me. However, never has humans been another species - at least not in the last tens or hundreds of thousands of years, and even then the species that we were before was not entirely dissimilar to us. We never were bears, fishes, foxes.

As for association - I never truly associated with people either. But did I give up on humans? No. Did I start considering myself human? No. I looked elsewhere and found actual people to look up to - to tell me that people can be fine as much as they're assholes. And your story actually proves my point - you grew out of it when the root issues were resolved.

As for this - I'm not coming up to people and telling them to get help, not specifically. In particular, the conversation itself had a context - the context was about, specifically, psychology regarding otherkin (specifically vampire-kin in this case. I didn't just find an otherkin and tell them that - I voiced an opinion relevant to the article at hand. Of course I don't go up to people to tell them they're fucked in the head - I had just expressed, in a relevant area, my beliefs on the subject based on my experience with the subject group - it just so happened that the opinion was "I wish they would get help for this".

user-inactivated  ·  3500 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    it just so happened that the opinion was "I wish they would get help for this"

So, once again... Why? Because it's "unhealthy"? Why that, then? How are those people any problem to you so that you'd decide that it's a good thing for you to poke your nose into their business? I don't see any danger coming from those people, as much as I don't see danger from transsexuals.

Killerhurtz  ·  3499 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yes, because it's unhealthy. As for being a problem - a small subset of them already are by their sapeinophobic points of view... And it's still unhealthy - do you seriously believe we should always wait until it becomes a problem to treat things at any rate? Wait until there's a threat to do things instead of preemptively getting people to be well again?

They deserve a healthy mind. We shouldn't wait until they completely break to help them.

empty  ·  3500 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I love you.

Grendel  ·  3500 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Fat people are fat. Crazy people are crazy. If you hear voices in your head or think you're actually a dragon, you have issues - mental issues. It's not judgemental to state a fact. The people who muted him for that reason also have issues, since they can't seem to deal with reality very well.

user-inactivated  ·  3500 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I remember you. You're the guy I tried naively to convince to give up racism propagation. Tell me about issues some more.

Grendel  ·  3500 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't remember that exchange. Do you mind reminding me? Accusing someone of being racist is a serious offence.

user-inactivated  ·  3500 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Well, I remember. You have a good day.