- Oh well, when I was their age we still had music, art and PE in school. Now get off my lawn!
. . . is shop class still a thing? Children need to learn the satisfaction that comes from building things.
Friend teaches art at an exclusive school in the Palisades.
They have a fuckin' laser cutter. And a 3d printer. And an extruder. And a lathe. And a mill. So I'm not sure what "shop class" looks like but when art class uses .stl files I think the distinction blends. Granted - "exclusive school in the Palisades." But I'll bet there are still hammers in the world.
I took a shop class in high school (albeit it was only for two weeks because I found out the sawdust really messed with my allergies). In my school especially in the advanced shop classes you made some serious stuff. I remember the teacher telling us about a student who made like a small furniture set and sold it for like 3 or 4 grand.