You shouldn't comment on something without reading it first.
I also stopped reading when it became clear that the author was saying women should shut up about online harassment. Unless he really buried a 180-degree turn somewhere in that text wall, his argument seems to be that the reason women stay out of tech isn't vicious misogynist attacks; it's all these dreadful women speaking up about it. Nope. Disagree.
Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, etc. They are the tanks who draw the trolls to them with taunts, so that other party members, who have less HP and defense, don't have to take damage directly. The author's assessment of Zoe Quinn's and Anita Sarkeesian's behavior is accurate. The part he gets wrong is moral judgement of those actions. He lacks the ethical understanding of appropriate responses to internet-scale abuse. He finds himself as collateral damage in the reaction to a sexist gaming culture run by teenage boy morality. He didn't have the social conscience earlier in his career to try to stop things from getting as bad as they have, and he doesn't have the perspective now in his late career to realize he's on the wrong side.
I thought the title was ironic. I read three or four paragraphs, skimmed a little way, and my stomach turned. I don't need to read Mein Kampf to know it's garbage. I don't need to read misogynistic drivel to know the same.
I'm new to hubski but honestly? I expected thoughtful discussions rather than a juvenile emotional outburst "Man is least himself when speaking in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will say the truth." ps apropos of nothing, how do you block someone in hubski?
Not that Gamergate is even remotely as bad as Hitler, but walls of texts and 'I'm so disappointed the discussion wasn't reasonable' don't make a point of view not terrible. When you already know how toxic something is, it's usually better to loudly condemn it than to give its proponents another chance to peddle their talking points.