I'm sorry if you've talked about this before, but I would love a little more context on this. Even if you just point me to the place where you discuss what this grand endeavor is all about. It sounds like you've put your all and then some into this.
I think it's scattered across like nine or ten pubskis. Long story short: after seven highly successful years in show business my family is moving back to Seattle where my wife is opening a birth center. This involves me sort of abandoning my career in place but since I have a novel at a boutique agency that's maybe not such a bad thing. Or at least, that's what I keep telling myself.
Ha. Pre-engineering at WWU, degree from UW, we've owned a house in Lynnwood since 2000. My wife did her schooling from pre-school to medical degree in WA and not only matriculated from Bastyr, she was baptized there back when the monks still owned it. I remember Goddess Kring before the Internet, Dick's before Labor Ready, Eagle before Lowe's, Ernst before Eagle, Bill Nye before he was the Science Guy and SoDo will always mean "South of the Dome." Appreciate the sentiment but we're coming home.