White people is not an ethnicity, it's a broad category and is broken up into ethnicities. Cornish, Irish and Italian etc. are ethnicities. When generalisations are bigoted you can explain how they are bigoted. So how is this generalisation bigoted?
Cornish. Not familiar with that one. Well, the assumption that white people are inherently privileged is a sweeping generalization. In your original post, you claim that people are confusing the experience of an individual with the overall experience of white people in general. What I am saying is that applying this concept of "white privilege" to the entire demographic of white people is an over generalization. Perhaps you're right in that this isn't outright bigotry, but it certainly gets used for bigoted ends. Unfortunately, it's a difficult topic to discuss. There are many things that I would like to say about it, but honestly, many things that I have to say can in turn be interpreted as "racist" depending on whose listening and I really don't want to pick a fight, but I feel that's what would inevitably happen if I elaborate any further.
The article is nonsense. I'm not going to walk on eggshells my entire life because someone somewhere thinks that systematically I've "got it better". The mere thought makes me shutter. Believing that all white people somehow "have it better" is sheer intellectual blindness. The article completely ignores the fact that there is all kinds of oppression WITHIN white ethnic groups. No one ever mentions that because they all subscribe to the myopic idea that it's "white against all". Ridiculous.