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b_b · 4664 days ago · link · · parent · post: At 11th hour, Georgia passes "women as livestock" abortion bill.
I can't imagine that this would pass muster with the courts. Abortion is legal in the US. Period. You can't go imposing arbitrary restrictions on when the abortion is performed. If so, then lets take it to its logical extreme: Let's say I'm a legislator that hates abortion. Why don't I make it illegal to get an abortion after the fifth day of pregnancy? That is equally arbitrary to 20 weeks.
sounds_sound · 4664 days ago · link ·
The arbitrariness is unsettling. It just turns into a numbers game that people can sway depending on what side they lobby for. Remember Jon Kyl's [](90%) claim? People start arguing over numbers as a point of fact and it gets us nowhere. Speaking broadly about when life begins, I prefer Canada's definition: At first breath.
First breath sounds reasonable. Obviously, you have to define life as starting somewhere. First breath seems to take away some ambiguity with respect to the other arguments that lawmakers try to go by here, such as, can the fetus feel pain?, is it "aware"?, etc.