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comment by thenewgreen

When I was single I wasn't having enough random sex to even consider taking a birth control pill even if it had been available. I had some girlfriends though and I always trusted them to take their pill. Nobody was trying to trap me in to a relationship. If anything, I was the one trying to convince the ladies to stick around. Gosh, now I kind of feel rejected because no women tried to intentionally get pregnant in order to trap me. What, I'm not good enough ladies?! Geez.

Hope you are doing well _ref_.

EDIT: For those interested, here is an article from the Daily Beast titled:

Male Birth Control Without Condoms Will Be Here by 2017

_refugee_  ·  3526 days ago  ·  link  ·  

To be honest, I got on BC and stayed on it because I knew I'd be having sex but couldn't plan on it. And I figured I would rather be protected for that drunk one night stand if/when it happened than taking Plan B the next morning. For a woman (you probably/maybe know this) you have to take BC for 2 weeks before it is even effective. So I figured, I would take it and keep on taking it, and if/when I had my random hook-ups (or anything longer!), even if we didn't use a condom, the condom broke, I was drunk and couldn't remember if we used protection, etc, I wouldn't have to worry about pregnancy.

No man has ever accused me of not taking my BC but I'm also one of the last people I think someone I would date, would expect to TRY and get pregnant.

And to be extra-special honest about me taking BC, as a lady, I totally hate that time of the month - you know, when the Communists are in the henhouse and the red tide is rising and the aphids have overtaken the rose and so on. I get bad migraines, I don't consider it a "mystical time to be in touch with my feminine body," I've ruined a lot of underwear and yes, even as a full-grown adult, pairs of pants. I really want to get my period as little as possible. So I'm on that BC that makes it so I only bleed once every three months, and for that reason alone, I would never ever stop taking it haha. Even if I didn't have that option and was on the BC that makes you get it monthly, I would still do it because my cycle was never very regular and I never was very good at keeping track of it.

I know everyone rolls their eyes at the "But women don't use birth control just to get pregnant!" however - my personal experience absolutely validates that. I told someone recently if I could just have all the organs that give me my period cut out of my body I would do it because I hate my period that much. (They then pointed out that I would go into menopause. At 25. Which would totally suck.)

I am doing well, popping in on Hubski here and there. Little overwhelmed with all the activity. Work might be looking up but we will see. It turns out that the only person who really thinks I am shitty at my job is me. I have started adopting positive thoughts to help me with the mornings. (They really do help. And to-do lists.)

I will let you know if I head down to the VA area for work again, it would be nice to force a meet-up. They usually let me rent a car. I think we could fix something. I hope all is super-duper with you, I will be checking up on your pubskis. :)

thenewgreen  ·  3526 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Your turn

Also, I'd love to meet up! Bring wasoxygen, Meriadoc and arguewithatree

Meriadoc  ·  3526 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Chelsea and I were just talking about this. We're trying to go camping anywhere we can this summer, and NC is a top choice. We popped by Delaware last weekend on our trip to NJ, so getting ref isn't too difficult. The question is if YOU can take a whole weekend off :)

thenewgreen  ·  3526 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Ha. I don't think that I could take a whole weekend off without having a four year old and a one year old at my side. Enjoy NC though. Where are you thinking?

Meriadoc  ·  3526 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That's exactly what we figured haha.

No idea! My boss has taken a weekend in a cabin down near Raleigh pretty regularly. I'd have to ask where exactly, but the photos are always gorgeous.

user-inactivated  ·  3526 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You must have been a good judge of character. Thanks for posting the article, I should have lead with that.

_refugee_  ·  3517 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I was wondering, have you ever had that kind of experience with a girl where she claimed she was pregnant or appeared to be lying to get pregnant or so on? I know it's a fear that a certain proportion of men have. I haven't experienced it but then again when I date women I don't have to worry if they will get pregnant. While I am sure that it's a thing that happens, I am not sure it is so common that one must be a good judge of character to get through life without experiencing it. I am just loath to believe it is a danger one must side-step at every turn when dating women. Certainly having that attitude would make relationships harder I think.

user-inactivated  ·  3517 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm a woman. I am too sick to have my own kids. I have to interact with "mothers", all the time who are awful to their partners and children, so I would like to see these women have less control.

user-inactivated  ·  3517 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I also refuse to get romantically involved before I judge someones character. I found my boyfriend online and screened him pretty carefully. I said I would only date guys with a job, house, and masters degree. I worked backwards from there, seeing if we got along as people.

Dated too many musicians, to believe in fairy tales. My credit was fucked by guys using me, so I won't date people anymore who don't wipe their own ass. This attitude works for me and makes my relationship easier, instead of harder.

I don't know if I would have gotten to this point as a guy. They have too much instinct to be irresponsible with getting girls pregnant. For a guy to be like that, he would have to be very driven, or seen some awful situations.